Den engelske bog The Gardener´s Garden som udkommer på forlaget Phaidon Press´ udnævnte i 2014 Anne Just´s Have til at være en af verdens 250 smukkeste haver.
The genius of the garden is that, in such a small area, Just combined so many distinct areas in such a way that, while each is enjoyable in itself, a sense of continuity and continuation comes as the visitor moves through the garden, giving the feeling and experience of a much larger garden.
The rooms are laid out and juxtaposed with a designer´s eye. The narrow paths slow the pace, forcing the visitor to become immersed in each room´s structure, planting and ornamentation. …the visitor encounters a constantly changing series of stimulating and occasionally amusing vistas and experiences…. What is striking is their balance with planting that is both profuse and carefully controlled seemingly artless but in fact designed with an artist´s eye.
Læs mere om Phaidons bog The Gardeners Garden på dette link: